Mental Health Law Centre

We are a statewide community legal centre specialising in laws that impact particularly on people with a mental illness.

We are based in Perth, Western Australia. We are an independent community based organisation funded to provide a free specialist legal service throughout Western Australia to people with a mental illness that is causally related to their legal issue.

Our core service is free legal advice and representation to people who are involuntary patients in the Western Australian mental health system. Subject to resources, we provide legal help, advice, representation and/or referrals in other areas of law including criminal, guardianship and administration, criminal injuries compensation, equal opportunity, discrimination and other civil matters. We have a Telephone Advice Line, where we can give short legal advice or referral by telephone.

Our legal casework service is free, private, confidential, non-government and not for profit.

We provide legal and community education in all areas of law in which we practice, including CPD presentations for lawyers. We have plain english written resources to explain various areas of law in which we work.