knowmore is a free service offering legal advice and information to help you consider your options about compensation, redress and other legal issues related to abuse.
knowmore has been established by, and operates as a separate program of, the National Association of Community Legal Centres, with funding from the Australian Government, represented by the Attorney-General’s Department.
knowmore staff are here to help you and act in your interest. Our staff are trained and experienced in working with people who have experienced trauma, and in providing culturally safe services.
knowmore is committed to ensuring that our services are delivered in ways that are culturally safe and respectful for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
knowmore employs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff in its office and for its work in regional, rural and remote areas, and where appropriate, will work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal service providers. You can learn about our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Engagement Advisors here.
We realise that for many people, making decisions about legal issues surrounding institutional child sexual abuse can be difficult, and may cause them significant distress. Our knowmore team includes specialist counsellors/social workers, who are very experienced in dealing with survivors of sexual abuse. Our counsellors/social workers will support clients to help them obtain legal assistance by identifying and making links with other agencies who can assist them in the longer term.
knowmore staff have a duty to treat any information you give us as confidential. Unless you ask us to, your information will only be disclosed outside of knowmore when you have asked us to or in exceptional circumstances where we are compelled or authorised by law to do so. Find out more about our commitment to confidentiality and privacy.