Women's Legal Service WA

Women’s Legal Service WA is a not for profit specialist community legal centre providing legal advice, support and advocacy to WA women experiencing disadvantage.

We provide legal knowledge and information to empower women to make informed legal choices.

The areas of the law that affect women the most are where we specialise:

  • family law
  • family violence
  • care and protection of children
  • criminal injury compensation

In addition to our general services, we work in partnership with Relationships Australia WA to provide Djinda Services, the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Service for the Perth metro area. This is run as a separate program within WLSWA and we work closely with caseworkers at RAWA to provide holistic wraparound services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experiencing family violence in the Perth area. 

Additionally, we undertake policy development and law reform activities to ensure that the needs and rights or marginalised women are adequately acknowledged, represented and met.

We work to promote a legal system that is safe, supportive, non-discriminatory and responsive to the needs of all women in our community, particularly those who face disadvantage.