Nearmap Australia Pty Ltd

Nearmap is currently providing a virtual model of the real world – at a scale and detail that hasn’t been done before.

Nearmap captures, manages and delivers the most current, high-resolution location content in the world, allowing businesses and governments to explore their environment easily. Nearmap has a history of working successfully with small and large organizations across a broad range of sectors and industries such as solar, insurance, roofing, building & construction, architectural and utility industries. With Nearmap, organisations unlock opportunities that consistently inform decision making and transform the way they work, saving them time and money.

Our Nearmappers see the world differently and are intently focused on delivering the best location content in the world. Having a shared goal and a lot of fun reaching it is how our Nearmappers truly flourish at their home away from home. We're all super down-to-earth - except when we're in the sky capturing fresh imagery!